
img - 4455屏幕-印刷类

的 graduate printmaking program offers students the ability to work in a wide range of traditional and alternative printing processes in relief, 凹版, 光刻技术, 和screenprint. 学生 are encouraged to explore varying ways to create and present printed artifacts as multiples or as elements for use in mixed media, 安装或互动工作. 重点放在实验上, 多层次的思考, and creative 解决问题 as a means to developing a personal artistic vision. 教师 members work closely with each graduate student to guide them in finding and refining that vision. 学生 are also encouraged to broaden their experience by taking courses from other studio areas that serve their needs. Additional learning opportunities occur through visiting artist lectures and hands-on workshops, 还有去博物馆的实地考察, 画廊, 打印合作社, 以及国家/区域会议. 

博天堂官方网站生 print students are given 24/7 access to the well-equipped print studios. 另外, they are given a semi-private studio near other graduate students in order to create a supportive environment, 社区意识, 以及合作的潜力. 印刷协会, 我们的学生印刷俱乐部, also offers opportunities for interaction with our undergraduate students.理大的毕业生.F.A. program have taught at national institutions such as Alfred University and Skidmore College while others teach at regional institutions such as the University of Toledo and Owens Community College. Some MFA graduates have taught at community art centers, such as the Sweetwater 艺术 Center in the Pittsburgh area. One graduate spearheads community-based art projects and works with disadvantaged youth in the Cleveland area. Several graduates have found work in arts management positions: as 艺术 Admissions Coordinators for universities; as program director for the Brush Creek Ranch 艺术ist Residency Program in Wyoming; as the Program Officer for the Nova Scotia 艺术 Bank; as the Programs Coordinator for the 艺术 Commission of Greater Toledo; another owned a gallery and print workshop in San Francisco; and another designs, 生产, and sells her own line of eco-goods online. Many graduates continue to exhibit their work nationally and many have won awards. Several graduates have also participated in residencies at centers such as the Vermont Studio Center and the Women's Studio Workshop.

版画 is housed in several adjacent rooms:

凹版/救援 room is equipped for wood and linoleum block printing, 凹版 work in copper, and monoprinting. It houses two presses (Takach and Charles Brand presses), 三个酸浴, 三个电炉, 浸纸盘, 喷枪和喷雾器, 铜版画的盒子, assorted-sized辊, 墨水和各种工具 for both relief and 凹版 work.

光刻/筛网印花 room has two litho presses (Takach and Charles Brand), 25 stones of varying sizes and grades up to 20 X 28", 三块厚达30 × 40英寸的板衬板, 各种皮革和合成辊, 一种谷物汇, 液压升降机, 墨水和各种工具. 适用于水性丝网印刷, 屏幕, 干燥架, 油墨, 并提供各种尺寸的刮刀.

版画摄影暗房 是由两个房间组成的吗. One room is equipped with two large light exposure units and a large sink.  the other room contains two smaller exposure units for photopolymer plates, 裁席机, 收缩包装, 高压清洗机, 洗水槽, 还有过去学生作业的档案.

普通教室, 与摄影区分享, 用作演讲室吗, 干净的工作室, 批判区.

For additional facilities available, check out our 设施 页面.


All students with an interest in printmaking are encouraged to join this active student club. 印刷协会组织实地考察, 参观艺术家工作坊, 黑沼泽艺术节的摊位, and various activities related to printmaking. 筹款活动, including T-shirt printing events and print sales, are held several times during the year to support 印刷协会 activities. Funding supports visiting artists and student attendance at national and regional print conferences.

Regional and National 版画 协会

的re are numerous professional printmaking associations in existence and students are encouraged to join these in order to gain a broader understanding of the world of prints. 其中两个是:


is a Midwestern print organization that sponsors a biennial conference of workshops and panel discussions, 会员展览, 还有一份通讯.


is a national print organization that sponsors an annual conference of workshops and panel discussions, 会员展览, 还有一本日记. 





  • 位置: 教授,区域主管,版画
  • 电话: 419-372-8515
  • 电子邮件: jballwe@bjqzgy.com
  • 地址: 1207年前沿空中管制官


  • 位置: 摄影副教授 & 版画
  • 电话: 419-372-3891
  • 电子邮件: rjmazzu@bjqzgy.com
  • 地址: 103年前沿空中管制官

在BGSU的时候, 培养学生的艺术创作技能, 视觉传达, 解决问题, 批判性思维. Some MFA students go on to use their print expertise in the commercial printing market within collaborative or contract printing workshops or in general arts-related positions. Most print MFA graduates also work as fine artists and exhibit their work.

学生 who graduate with a Master of Fine 艺术 degree are qualified to teach at institutions of higher education such as universities and community colleges. 许多画廊, museums and arts organizations also prefer the MFA degree for curatorial and management positions.

