即食 - Sandra Earle Embraces New Role

每周至少一次, 桑德拉·厄尔和她的丈夫, 罗德尼•罗杰斯, Bowling Green State University’s newest president, can be found eating in one of campus’ many dining halls. 虽然厄尔, who has an interest in food security, uses this opportunity to check on the quality and variety of food available, the pair is primarily focused on meeting and interacting with students.

“We want to talk to students, very informally, and try to get to know them,厄尔说。. “They are the reason we’re here; knowing what’s going on with our students is paramount.”

With a strong background in higher education, Earle has taken on a volunteer University advocate role at BGSU, promoting student engagement and supporting students. As a woman in science, she is dedicated to encouraging young women to pursue STEM disciplines.

Earle’s academic expertise is in pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics. Her research interests include pharmacodynamic modeling, 药物基因组学, assessment and the scholarship of teaching and learning.

She is an associate professor of pharmaceutical science and director of assessment for the College of Pharmacy at the University of Findlay, where she has taught since 2006. She completed a post-doctoral fellowship in clinical pharmacokinetics at The Ohio State University after earning her Pharm.D. from Ohio State and her Bachelor of Science in pharmacy from Ohio Northern University. She has also served on the faculty at 俄勒冈州 State University and at the VA Medical Center in Portland, 俄勒冈州, as well as being the clinical coordinator at Mt. Sinai Medical Center in Cleveland.

She also has a special interest in ensuring food security for all students and in providing assistance to those in crisis.

“BGSU provides a place for students to experience tremendous growth, challenges and opportunities so that they are launched into the world prepared for what’s next,厄尔说。. “But they can’t get there if they’re worried about shelter and food, which should be a given in this society. 我想帮助填补这一空白.”

Earle and Rogers, who assumed the role of president Feb. 23, met at Ohio Northern and have been married for more than 30 years. They have two sons, Isaac and Spencer.

“At the end of the day, I’m a wife and a mom,厄尔说。. “The mom thing is probably what fuels some of my love for the students. They are so interesting and smart. Their growth during college is incredible. It’s fun to watch and be a part of their experience.”

Championing campus and community initiatives in service to the public good and promoting civic engagement is just the start for Earle.

“It’s an honor and a privilege to serve in this way,” she said. “I take that responsibility very seriously. If I can make things better, I should.”

Earle is also a member of the board of directors of the Montessori School of Bowling Green. 
