

州立鲍灵格林大学 has a growing number of master’s degree programs that can be achieved in a 5th year through the 加速学士到硕士课程. Participating in an Accelerated Bachelor’s to Master’s program provides the opportunity for students to complete both a bachelor’s degree and a master’s degree in an efficient and effective format. Undergraduate students who apply to and have received early acceptance into a master’s degree program will be considered Accelerated 学生 until they have completed their Bachelor’s degree.


学生的地位: Participants are classified as undergraduate students with Accelerated status until earning the bachelor’s degree. 完成学士学位后,学生分类改为毕业生. 不需要额外申请.

学分 & 课程: 学生 should check individual program websites for any additional program-specific credit hour policies.

  1. 速成班学生最多可以获得9个学分的博天堂官方网站生学分.
  2. 学生 may overlap up to a maximum of 9 credit hours for both the bachelor’s and master’s degrees. However, the ability to apply credit hours to both is influenced by the curriculum of each program.
  3. The total number of unique hours required for the completed accelerated bachelor’s and master’s degrees must be greater than or equal to 141 hours. 学生必须达到其课程批准的最低要求的博天堂官方网站生学分.
  4. 速成班学生只能参加5000级和6000级的博天堂官方网站生课程(不是7000级)。.
  5. The majority of these programs have a non-thesis option in order to complete the degree in one additional year to the bachelor’s degree



完成硕士学位后, 建筑专业的学生应该能够:

  • Demonstrate the ability to build abstract relationships and understand the impact of ideas based on the study and analysis of multiple theoretical, 社会, 政治, 经济, 文化, 以及环境背景. 除了, students will demonstrate the ability to use a diverse range of skills to think about and convey architectural ideas, 包括写作, 调查, 说话, 画, 和建模. 
  • 展示理解设计技术方面的能力, 系统, 和材料,并能够将这种理解应用到建筑解决方案中. 此外,必须充分考虑这些决定对环境的影响. 
  • Demonstrate the ability to synthesize a wide range of variables into an integrated design solution. 
  • 展示对架构实践的业务原则的理解, 包括管理, 宣传, 以及采取合法行动的必要性, 在伦理上, 对顾客的食物也很重要, 社会, 公众.  

The two-year professional 建筑学硕士 builds on the four-year pre-professional B.S. 建筑学学士学位,或其他院校同等学历.

52个学期学时的专业建筑硕士(M.拱.)学位围绕材料的技术探索, 结构, 以及设计背景下的可持续性, 在历史上, 城市, 以及建筑和城市的保护范例. These areas of interest integrate with entrepreneurial theories and strategies as a method to advancing architectural design and practice. 专业实践/创业核心课程, including an applied entrepreneurship as well as a 业务 core of 课程 in collaboration with the 学院 Business coalesce to form this unique feature of the M.拱. 程序.

Candidates for the 建筑学硕士 must fulfill 52 graduate credits through the following core areas:

有关批准的建筑硕士课程列表,请参见 网页.

Please access graduate 课程 online by clicking the “Browsing Course Catalog” button at http://rrfmjbpq.bjqzgy.com/registration-records/courses-and-classes/class-course-information.html. Graduate 课程 offered by the 建筑与环境设计系 use the prefix: ARCH.


学生 enrolled in the Accelerated BSARCH to MARCH should follow the following course schedule for planning out graduate work that begins while still enrolled as an undergraduate student, followed by the 课程 taken when fully enrolled as a graduate student in the MARCH program.  In order to complete this plan in an accelerated format (4 years undergraduate + 1 1/2 year graduate) one should complete all 27 credits in design studios and the remaining 25 credits distributed among required professional, 业务, 技术, 历史/理论要求, 总共52个博天堂官方网站生学分.

本科加速状态 (上限9学分)

Courses that may be taken while an undergraduate student with 本科加速状态 that will overlap between the Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees (choose three):

ARCH 6510:可持续发展系统

ARCH 6530:规范和条例

ARCH 6610:专业实践/创业

ARCH 6800:建筑与设计研讨会


Courses to be taken once the bachelor’s degree has been completed and the student is fully enrolled as a graduate student in the 建筑学硕士 program:


ARCH 6210:博天堂官方网站生设计工作室                

ARCH 6220:博天堂官方网站生设计工作室2                

ARCH 6310:博天堂官方网站生设计工作室

ARCH 6630:应用创业

ARCH 6620:设计的商业创新





ARCH 6320:博天堂官方网站生设计工作室4

[1]就本政策而言,BGSU GPA仅根据BGSU学分计算. However, credits transferred into BGSU may be counted as part of credit hours earned (not GPA).


学生 interested in pursuing the Accelerated Bachelor of Science in 体系结构 (BS ARCH) to 建筑学硕士 (M ARCH) program plan in 体系结构 must complete the following application requirements:  

  1. 在学生的加速状态开始时,他们必须具备:
    • 获得75个学分,BGSU总GPA至少为3.2[1], or
    • 获得90个学分,BGSU总GPA至少为3.0;
  2. 完成学士到硕士的加速课程申请;
  3. 所就读大学的正式成绩单;
  4. 至少一封来自BGSU全职教员的推荐信, 最好来自学生专业或目标博天堂官方网站生课程的博天堂官方网站生院系;
  5. An electronic portfolio which highlights a minimum of four projects with a range of complexity representing work over the student’s undergraduate career. 作品集必须以PDF格式提交,不超过5mb.


Applicants seeking admission to the graduate program in 建筑学硕士 should follow the instructions outlined in the "Graduate Admission" section of this Graduate Catalog. 所有必需的毕业材料应上传到 板岩.

除了, applicants should review the admissions requirements specific to the program to which they seek admission.  


  1. A statement of intent outlining the applicant’s reasons for applying to the program and why his/her application should be accepted (limited to one page).
  2. 三封以前的教授或雇主的推荐信.
  3. An electronic portfolio which highlights a minimum of five projects with a range of complexity representing work over the student’s undergraduate career and professional experience, 如果适用的话. Each project should include a summary of the applicant’s process as well as brief descriptive captions (dates, 课程, 监管, 目标). 页数及格式由申请人自行决定. 作品集必须以PDF格式提交,不超过10MB.


