

物流系统工程理学硕士(MS-LSE)是一个跨学科的项目, 专注于物流, 精益, 质量, 生产, 医疗保健系统. It prepares students for a variety of different positions by giving them the ability to 设计 a system, 组件, 或者在现实的约束条件下满足期望的需求. 申请本课程的学生必须拥有任何工程专业的学士学位, 技术, 应用科学, 业务, 以及相关学科.

U.S. and International students can choose to enroll to study on the main BGSU campus or in the online program.

The MS-LSE program prepares students to combat issues that arise in logistic and systems engineering settings, 并了解工程解决方案在全球的影响, 经济, 环境, 以及社会背景. 伦敦政治经济学院的毕业生将有能力担任系统工程师等职位, 工程经理, 物流经理, 供应链分析师, 医疗分析师, 工业工程师, 工厂经理, 系统集成商, 流程改进经理, 工程运营经理.


  • Applicants must submit their resumes listing educational background and job experience among others.
  • 本科GPA不低于3分.0(在4上).(0分)是该计划的常规入学要求.  All 博天堂官方网站生学院 admissions policies pertaining to GPA requirements will be followed for this program.
  • 申请人必须提交博天堂官方网站生入学考试(GRE)的正式成绩。. 博天堂官方网站生管理入学考试(GMAT)可以代替GRE提交. GRE may be waived in case-by-case instances when an applicant has a graduate degree from a U.S. 大专院校或至少五年相关工作经验. Applicants must submit their graduate transcripts showing degree completion or a one-page summary of their job experience stating job responsibilities, 持续时间, 成就, 以及主管联系方式.
  • Scanned copies of transcripts from previously attended institutions are required to complete application. Final official or notarized copies of transcripts and diplomas will be required upon admission.
  • Applicants must also submit two letters of recommendation addressed to the Graduate Coordinator.  These letters should come from individuals with knowledge of the applicant’s qualifications and ability to successfully complete graduate study.  这些人的例子包括过去的教授, 监事, 或者拥有博天堂官方网站生学位的同事.
  • International applicants are also required to submit scores from the International English Language Testing System (IELTS), 皮尔森学术英语测验(PTEA), 或托福考试(TOEFL).

The 物流系统工程理学硕士 program is composed of 30 credit hours post bachelor’s and is 设计ed to teach students to solve problems that arise in logistic and systems engineering settings, 并了解工程解决方案在全球的影响, 经济, 环境, 以及社会背景.

Major coursework includes logistics 运输 and distribution systems; integrated logistics planning and analysis; supply chain management; Logistics Systems Design and 分析; healthcare systems engineering; demand driven supply chain planning and 操作; 质量 management in healthcare delivery; data mining; project management; and graduate internship or study abroad experience. 该计划的高潮是六个学分的论文或三个小时的顶点项目.


走得远 他的职业是系统工程师, 物流经理, 工业工程师, 供应链分析师, 工程运营经理, 还有更多.

实习 & 职业生涯

This program offers an optional internship program or a study abroad experience to Panama to infuse international aspect of logistics and system 设计 into the curriculum. The purpose of the internship experience is to gain working knowledge about the daily roles and responsibilities of administrators and managers in a Logistics and 系统工程 occupation; develop the management and leadership skills to promote a productive working environment in Logistics and 系统工程 occupations; and promote the student’s personal and career development through interaction with the supervisor and members of the organization or company.

工资 & 博天堂官方网站数据

在中西部地区, the demand for employees with a master’s degree in Logistics System Engineering (LSE) rose 50% in the last decade, 这是根据EAB Global进行的一项市场博天堂官方网站得出的结论, 公司. 在全国范围内, there was an even greater increase in demand for LSE master’s degree holding students by employers. 伦敦政治经济学院学位持有者的平均年薪为10.2万美元.


  • This program is a Joint program between the BGSU 学院 Technology 建筑与应用工程和商学院. It is one of the very few programs in the nation that blends engineering skills with 业务 skills.
  • 高要求和高报酬的软技能工程项目


我们的教师由各自领域公认的领导者组成, 在以学习者为中心的环境中提供高度个性化的关注. 这个强大的指导社区正好达到了当前的平衡, 相关理论与实践, 实用的知识,准备我们的毕业生在快速发展的成功, 全球环境. 这个专业的毕业生将精通设计, 管理, 做出与现实世界复杂系统相关的商业决策.


*学生可以在第二学年/第一学期学习TECH 6960,并在1年内完成该课程.5年

第一学年/学期   第一学年/第二学期  
3 伦敦政治经济学院5020 3
5420年工商管理硕士 3 6040年工商管理硕士 3
选修1 3 选修2
总学分 9   9
二年级/学期   二年级/学期  
伦敦政治经济学院6750 3 科技6960 * 3
选修3 3    
选修4 3    
总学分 9   3


第一学年/学期   第一学年/第二学期  
3 伦敦政治经济学院5020 3
5420年工商管理硕士 3 6040年工商管理硕士 3
选修1 3 选修2
总学分 9   9
二年级/学期   二年级/学期  
伦敦政治经济学院6750 3 6990年科技 3
选修3 3    
6990年科技 3    
总学分 9   3


The 物流系统工程理学硕士 is a joint program between the 学院 Technology, 建筑与应用工程和商学院. 该学位需要三个领域的30个学分. The core consists of 15 credit hours; 9 credit hours from engineering and 6 credit hours from supply chain management. 必须修读至少18学分的6000级以上课程. 没有导师和博天堂官方网站生协调员的同意,合成时间不能采取.

这是可下载的PDF文件 物流系统工程学位要求流程图


伦敦政治经济学院5020 -物流运输系统
分析, 设计, 并实施国内、国际人员运输系统, 流程, 和技术. 不可重复的. 批准远程教育.

LSE 5030 -物流配送系统
配电系统设计, 仓库设计, 流程设计, 及物料搬运内延伸企业. 批准远程教育.

5420年工商管理硕士 -综合物流规划和分析
全球供应链中的物流功能概述.  主题包括物流需求管理, 运输, 分销分析, 物流服务质量, 物流信息与通信技术, 循环盘点, 供应商管理库存, 仓库, 运输法规和定价, 率谈判, 第三方物流, 以及全球物流战略. 前提条件:6040年工商管理硕士. 工商管理硕士5420和MGMT 4420可能不会收到学分.

6040年工商管理硕士 -供应链管理
关注供应链如何为组织、供应商和客户创造价值. 探讨了供应, 操作, and logistics 流程 and how they are integrated with other functions within the firm and across organizations. Examines supply chain strategy; product, 过程, and service 设计; 质量 and 精益; planning, 控制, and measurement systems; and ethical and 环境 decisions. Prerequisite: MBA students only or with permission of Graduate and Executive Studies in Business. 批准远程教育. 额外的费用.

伦敦政治经济学院6750 -物流系统设计与分析
The 设计 and operation of contemporary logistics, with a special emphasis of modeling and analysis. 批准远程教育.

  • LSE 5700 -海外学习经历或TECH 6890 -博天堂官方网站生实习
  • LSE 6760 -医疗保健系统优化
  • MBA 5450 -需求驱动的供应链规划和运营
  • MHSA 6450 -保健服务提供的质量管理
  • MSA 5020 -回归分析
  • MSA 6440或cs6440或STAT 6440 -数据挖掘
  • SCM 6010 -品类管理和战略采购
  • TECH 6200或SCM 6030 -项目管理
  • TECH 6500 -可再生技术研讨会
  • TECH 6710 -先进制造中的自动化和机器人技术
  • QS 6160 -质量文化评估
  • QS 6270 -精益系统分析
  • 经博天堂官方网站生协调员批准的其他课程


论文选题是原创性博天堂官方网站的重大课题, 在学生专业指导老师的指导下进行. 学生 electing this option must register for no fewer than six credit hours of thesis research as part of their degree program.

  • 6990年科技 -论文博天堂官方网站(6小时) 


学生 choosing this option will conduct an applied project with a company to address a real world problem using skills learned from various program courses. 学生们将写一份项目报告并展示博天堂官方网站结果.

  • TECH 6960 -应用工程监督实习(3小时)


完成硕士学位后, 物流系统工程专业的学生应该能够:

  • Perform planning and strategic decision-making effectively in the field of logistics and systems engineering.
  • 对系统进行建模和分析,并整合结果.
  • Design systems with a clear understanding of complex dynamics in the field of logistics and systems engineering.
  • Adapt effective leadership in project management through clear communication and collaborative teamwork.
  • Integrate core competencies to develop solutions to complex systems problems in the field of logistics and systems engineering.
